Mary Chang Story Writer: Photography, Six Word Story, Inspiration

The 6-Word Photo Story Summer Challenge

Can you tell a story in 6 words inspired by a photo?

Mary Chang Story Writer
6 min readJun 30, 2021


“The beach is calling my name!” Photo by Mary Chang.

Update! The 6-Word Photo Story Summer Challenge ran from July 1st and ended on August 31, 2021. This writing prompt sparked like wildfire and was a hot favorite among many participating writers. Some got hooked on the challenge and couldn’t stop writing! Some drew inspiration by snapping photos and created new stories for them, and others dug into their photo archives, travelled down nostalgia lane to give breath to their memories.

On September 1, 2021, I launched my new publication, Six Word Photo Story Challenge, which was inspired by my summer writing prompt. The publication will feature new monthly writing challenges!

I dare you!

Can you tell a story in six words inspired by a photo that you took yourself?

If you’d like to accept the dare, be added as a writer and submit to the publication, please visit Six Word Photo Story Challenge for info and submission guidelines.

I’m rediscovering the joys of creative writing by drawing inspiration from pictures through this wonderful photography-based publication called SNAPSHOTS



Mary Chang Story Writer

Finding shine through exercise, nature & people stories. Fueled by cartwheels, open water swimming & grit. Kid at ❤️