Thanks for writing such an honest perspective on "9 to 5 don't quit your day job (yet)" writers. There are few who have the gumption to go "all in" and quit their day jobs to pursue writing full-time, without a back-up plan or some sort of financial security plan set up in place so that they can live comfortably for at least 6 months to a year, or more!
And if a writer didn't have some type of logical plan in place, they could end up being broke or homeless.
There are many benefits to many day jobs...some people have access to medical and dental benefits and pension plans that would not typically come with pursuing a freelance writing career full-time.
Also a steady, reliable paycheck every 2 weeks is fundamental when we're raising children, covering mortgage/rent, car etc.
I agree with you that writers can still thrive outside the 9-5 structure or busting asses washing cars etc. When I come home after work, I can write whatever I'm passionate about and I'm not stressed out about making the big bucks or catering to an algorithm.
We can all be writing tigers...with the time, space and freedom we allow ourselvies...and what we each allow, will be different for each individual.
Keep writing and shining, Dawn and thanks for the pep talk:) Mary